FET Certificate – Leadership Development (Part Time)

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FET Certificate – Leadership Development (Part Time)2023-03-08T10:23:46+02:00

Further Education and Training Certificate – Leadership Development


The purpose of the qualification is to enable qualifying learners to apply leadership competencies to ensure service excellence.

Learners will develop competencies to utilise leadership skills to enhance service delivery in a specific sector or context. Individual learners will benefit through enhancing their personal competencies, knowledge and skills so as to be able to complete tasks required in their employment contracts and by legislation, relating to:

  • Applying emotional intelligence in a leadership context;
  • Motivating self and others;
  • Applying leadership to relationship management;
  • Applying visionary thinking skills in leadership problem-solving contexts, and;
  • Developing service culture of a specific sector.


The qualification can be utilised by both individuals in the Public and Private Sector. In addition persons seeking future employment in the local government sector may choose to complete this qualification.

Exit Level Outcomes:

The Exit Level Outcomes contained in this qualification are based on competencies required for people dealing with integrated development planning in a municipal context. The outcomes have been designed to fall into 8 broad areas of competence which will enable learners to:

  • Deal with issues and provide strategic leadership at various levels including community;
  • Build consensus amongst diverse groupings of people with various interests;
  • Apply innovative, creative and flexible strategies and thinking when dealing with community issues and needs;
  • Build trust between the councillors, officials, community and various competing interest groups while maintaining personal integrity;
  • Manage conflict;
  • Demonstrate the commitment and tenacity to achieve set objectives, and;
  • Communicate with conviction, confidence and integrity at all levels and constituencies.

The qualification aims to provide opportunities for applied competencies in these areas and provides a basis for further qualifications in municipal and public sector management at higher levels on the NQF.

Learners will build on their existing competencies. The competencies in this qualification will assist learners in their role in organisational leadership and will also provide competencies which are transferable to the any sector.

The Exit Level Outcomes highlight many of the integrated and intergovernmental skills required within any sector. Such skills and knowledge are geared towards enabling councillors, leaders and municipal managers to operate effectively and successfully in a demanding environment. Therefore, the Exit Level Outcomes and related Assessment Criteria highlight competences related to achieving leadership development for any sector.

The FETC: Leadership Development Level 4 should produce knowledgeable, multi-skilled workers who are able to contribute to enhanced service delivery in any sector or context. It should provide the means for current workers to receive recognition of prior learning, to upgrade their skills and achieve a nationally recognised qualification. It will ensure that the quality of education and training in the any sector is enhanced and of a world-class standard.

Who Should Attend:

This qualification will assist learners in their role in organisational leadership and will also provide competencies which can be used in both the public and private sector.

SAQA ID: 50081
NQF: 04
Duration: Part Time
Purpose of the Qualification: The purpose of the qualification is to enable qualifying learners to apply leadership competencies to ensure service excellence.
Minimum Admission Requirements: Grade 11
Graduation: Learners assessed as being competent for the FET Certificate: Leadership Development (1 Year) NQF Level 04, for full-time and part-time shall graduate upon completion of the programme.
No textbooks required; Notes and Learner guides shall be provided for learners.

Module 1: Communication Skills and Second Language
Module 2: Numeracy Skills
Module 3: Leadership Skills
Module 4: Innovative & Creative Strategies
Module 5: Apply Leadership Skills to Enhance Service Delivery
Module 6: Apply Knowledge of ethical Standards in a Leadership Role
Module 7: Emotional Intelligence

Course Outline


  • Unit Standard 8974 – Engage in sustained oral communication and evaluate spoken texts
  • Unit Standard 8975 – Read analyse and respond to a variety of texts
  • Unit Standard 8976 – Write for a wide range of contexts
  • Unit Standard 12153 – Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment


  • Unit Standard 9015 – Apply knowledge of statistics and probability to critically iterrogate and effectively communicate findings on life related problems
  • Unit Standard 9016 – Represent analyse and calculate shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional space in different contexts
  • Unit Standard 7468 – Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business, national and international issues


  • Unit Standard 120311 – Apply visionary leadership to develop strategy
  • Unit Standard 120300 – Analyse leadership and related theories in a work context


  • Unit Standard 120392 – Apply the concept and principles of knowledge management to leadership
  • Unit Standard 113960 – Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the ethical standards in the Public Sector


  • Unit Standard 14534 – Apply knowledge of community issues in relation to development projects
  • Unit Standard 113955 – Apply the Batho Pele principles to own work role and context
  • Unit Standard 120394 – Apply communication principles, strategies and processes in a leadership role


  • Unit Standard 120393 – Explain and apply legislation and policies applicable to leadership in a specific sector or context
  • Unit Standard 120389 – Explain and apply the concept, principles and theories of motivation in a leadership context
  • Unit Standard 114585 – Plan strategically to improve business performance
  • Unit Standard 10146 – Apply knowledge of ethical standards in a leadership role


  • Unit Standard 120305 – Analyse the role that emotional intelligence plays in leadership
  • Unit Standard 120390 – Develop and apply a service culture to a leadership role
  • Unit Standard 120391 – Apply leadership skills to relationship management
  • Unit Standard 10140 – Apply a range of project management tools


  • Unit Standard 8968 – Accommodate audience and context needs in oral communication
  • Unit Standard 8972 – Interpret a variety of literary texts
  • Unit Standard 8969 – Interpret and use information from texts
  • Unit Standard 8970 – Write texts for a range of communicative contexts

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